Full Software Installation

Full software is considered to be the installation of Restaurant Manager complete with security key. Restaurant Manager is software that requires installation on a single computer hardware drive. It is from this computer that all stations will communicate. Prior to installation, you must download the latest software version 19 build from the ASI’s (resellers only) website under Dealer Services >Tech Support > Patches and Utilities. It is recommended that you install the latest patch from the ASI website.

Live installations will require a sysconfig.asi file at installation of the software. Resellers (only) can use the following steps to download the .asi file:

  1. Log on to Dealer Services with your Dealer ID and Password

  2. Go to the Tech Support page

  3. Click on the link titled: “System Configuration Files & Version Upgrade Codes”

  4. Search for the name of the licensed user for whom you are installing a new system.

  5. Download the <sysconfig.asi> file beside the user’s name & save it on a local drive.

Note: Restaurant Manager software shipped prior to June 2007 where mailed with a floppy disk containing the sysconfig.scr which is the equivalent of the down-loadable .asi file.

The following are instructions for installing the Restaurant Manager software on the fileserver (rmserver). The steps for Full Software installation is exactly the same regardless of the option you choose to install (sample data or no sample data).

Important: Do not insert the USB Security Key prior to installation: wait until you are instructed to insert the security key until you are prompted to do so. If using a parallel key, connect it to the parallel port prior to installation.

  1. Click on the RM Installation executable that you downloaded

  2. Click the [Next] button to proceed with installation.

  1. Click on the [Yes] button on the License Agreement prompt. Note; It is important that the end user reads and agree to the end user agreement. Please read the section on End User License Agreement for more details.

  1. In the Customer Information Screen enter a User Name (i.e. RMServer) and the Company Name. Click the [Next] button after filling in the required fields.

  1. Use the default destination directory if you want to install on the c drive when prompted. Otherwise, click on the [Browse] button and select the path of installation if you are installing the software on another drive (i.e d drive). Click on the [Next] button to proceed to the next screen.

  1. Choose the setup type and click on the [Next] button. Below is a brief description for new installation options:

  1. Use the default program folder name in the Select Program Folder window or enter a custom name in the Program Folder dialog box. Click the [Next Button] to continue the installation process.

At this point the software will begin installing on the computer. You should be able to monitor the installation on the progress bar.

  1. Install the USB security key when prompted. Do not click the [Finish] button until you connect the USB security key.

Note: a temporary code can be used if you are not in possession of the security key (dongle) and you are waiting for delivery. Please see the section on Temp Codes for details

The Restaurant Manager programs folder will appear upon successful installation


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